Chennai Plastic Surgery presents the 3rd edition of Cosmoglitz Awards

Chennai, Aug.19 : Chennai Plastic Surgery presents the 3rd edition of Cosmoglitz Awards on Friday 18th August 2017. As part of creating awareness for a positive body image, the evening features two panel discussions.
I) Fair is not always lovely – A panel discussion on Farces of Fair Skin & Body- The Outside Story
The esteemed panelists
1. Ms Rohini Manian – Entrepreneur and Editor-in-Chief Culturama Living
2. Dr. Renita Rajan MD -Dermatologist
3. Dr.Abhilaasha - Psychiatrist
4. Dr Kannan MD- Psychiatrist
5. Ms Jane - Model and RJ
6. Dr Karthik Ram, Plastic Surgeon, Chennai Plastic Surgery
II) Body Shamming & Imagined Ugliness Syndrome
The esteemed panelists are
1. Ms. Rohini –Actor& Social activist
2. Dr. Shivaram Bharadwaj – Cosmetic & plastic surgeon
3. Dr. Hema Tharoor - Psychiatrist
4. Dr. Mini Rao - Psychologist
5. Ms. Shiny Surendran-Sports Nutritionist and Weight Management Specialist
6. Ms. Jules - Fashion Designer and Stylist
The evening will feature the launch of “Liposuction – The Big Fat Story" authored by Sunitha Raj .The book will be launched by Professor R. Venkatswami.Head,Apollo’s National Institute for Reconstructive Surgery,Microsurgery and Hand Surgery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu and Emeritus Professor,The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India.
He is the senior most plastic surgeon in the country. He has mentored some of the best brains in plastic surgery and still continues to nurture young minds.
As part of its CSR initiatives, Chennai Plastic Surgery presents "Glitz Phoenix 2017" award that celebrates the success stories of burn survivors
and ”Glitz Avatar 2017" Award that recognizes citizens who make a difference to society with their contributions and prove to be role models.
This year, the judges have unanimously chosen Writers Cafe Team and Mrs Sujatha Menonrecpectively for the above awards.
Theadditional award categories are
Mr. Glitz
Ms. Glitz
Mrs. Glitz
Mr. Fresh Face
Ms. Fresh Face
About Chennai Plastic Surgery
Chennai Plastic Surgery came into being in 2012 to fulfil cosmetics requirements of Chennai’s denizens. The brain child of Dr. Karthik Ram plastic and cosmetic surgeon Chennai plastic surgery is a perfect blend of top – notch experts and superior technology. Chennai Plastic Surgery is the one-stop-centre to address all body, skin and hair issues. Having done a volume of close to 600 to 700 Cosmetic Surgeries in the year 2016 - 17, the highest in the city, Chennai Plastic Surgery serves a wide clientele from more than 67 countries.